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Select only relevant news

A news service provider needs to collect and aggregate news from many online sources for real-time presentation on a single news portal. With its content analysis software, Connexor helps the service provider to remove duplicate news and select the important news for the portal, in real time.

Sort your newsfeed

An international newspaper receives uncategorized incessant newsfeed. Connexor sorts the news reports by theme and the reports are then redirected to the appropriate sections of the newspaper.

Keep up with the daily papers

An international firm needs a short summary of each article that features the company in the daily papers. Manual media monitoring is laborious and expensive. Connexor automatic summarization speeds up the process, and only the trickiest articles are summarized entirely by hand.

Track misspellings

The readers of our paper noticed too many misspellings and problems with hyphenization in our paper. With Connexor automatic hyphenization, we give a much better impression.