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AnswerFinder at TREC 2005

TitleAnswerFinder at TREC 2005
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsMollá D, van Zaanen M
Conference NameThe Fourteenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2005)
PublisherNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Conference LocationGaithersburg, MD

AnswerFinder has been completely redesigned for TREC 2005. The new architecture allows a fast development of question-answering systems for their deployment in the TREC tasks and other applications. The AnswerFinder modules use XML to express the services they provide, and they can be queried with XML for their services. The QA method now incorporates graph-based methods to compute the answerhood of a sentence and pin-point the answer. The system uses a set of graph-based rules that are learnt automatically. Unfortunately the system could not be completed and debugged before the TREC deadline and the runs did not fare well. Currently we are debugging and evaluating the system.