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WVALI: temporal relation identification by syntactico-semantic analysis

TitleWVALI: temporal relation identification by syntactico-semantic analysis
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsPuşcaşu G
Conference Name4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations
PublisherAssociation for Computational Linguistics
Conference LocationPrague, Czech Republic

This paper reports on the participation of University of Wolverhampton and University of Alicante at the SemEval-2007 TempEval evaluation exercise. TempEval consisted of three tasks involving the identification of event-time and event-event temporal relations. We participated in all three tasks with TICTAC (Syntactico-Semantic Temporal Annotation Cluster), a system comprising both knowledge based and statistical techniques. Our system achieved the highest strict and relaxed scores for tasks A and B, and the highest relaxed score for task C.