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Efficient content creation on the semantic web using metadata schemas with domain ontology services

TitleEfficient content creation on the semantic web using metadata schemas with domain ontology services
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsValkeapää O, Alm O, Hyvönen E
Conference Name European Semantic Web Conference ESWC 2007
Keywordsmetadata, semantic web

Metadata creation is one of the major challenges in developing the Semantic
Web. This paper discusses how to make provision of metadata easier and cost-
effective by an annotation editor combined with shared ontology services. We
have developed an annotation system supporting distributed collaboration in
creating annotations, and hiding the complexity of the annotation schema and
the domain ontologies from the annotators. Our system adapts flexibly to
different metadata schemas, which makes it suitable for different applications.
Support for using ontologies is based on ontology services, such as concept
searching and browsing, concept URI fetching, semantic autocompletion and
linguistic concept extraction. The system is being tested in various practical
semantic portal projects.