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Beyond the sentence: Towards a cognitive-linguistic approach to textual reference

TitleBeyond the sentence: Towards a cognitive-linguistic approach to textual reference
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsZiem A
JournalYearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association
Date Published12/2013
ISSN2197-2796 (Online), 2197-2788 (Print)
ISBN Number21972796

Based on the results of a cognitive-linguistic study on associative anaphors, the paper introduces a new approach to textual reference at the interface of lexical semantics and text semantics. Theoretical tools and concepts, particularly semantic frames and concept types, also relevant for follow-up studies on related text-linguistic phenomena, are introduced and discussed. In the corpus-based study presented here, anaphors are systematically identified and manually annotated according to linguistic features yielding reference resolution. Investigating contextual features of associative anaphors in a great number of cases facilitates a fine-grained analysis of anaphoric reference, paving the way to a comprehensive cognitive approach to textual reference
